Cenote Collection


In her work, Natasha Art mainly responds to topics related to sub/consciousness, known and unknown things, and above all, to a bird's eye view of life.

In recent years, she has been capturing in her work mainly the theme of water, the ocean and natural pools on the Australian coast, where she currently lives. The idea of ​​these views from above, water and waterfalls and natural pools continues in the Cenote Collection, which is inspired by her travels to exotic places in Mexico. This time, Natasha Art creates a kind of mystical world, where she depicts the beauty and mystery of these places in dreamlike abstracts and realistic forms.

Natasha Art´ s Cenote collection evokes a magical impression of being lost in another time and almost stepping into prehistoric times with huge tropical trees and cathedral-like walls that lead to rays of sunlight and human hope. On the other hand, deep lakes and the occasional appearance of whales in the paintings reflect the ethereal essence of these places. The audience is invited by Natasha Art to explore the mysterious underground caves that, in her perspective, serve as entrances to our subconsciousness, places of dreams, manifestations and different levels of our beings. As we know, The Ancient Mayans had a strong connection with Cenotes and it is believed in the Mayan culture that they were a portals for conversations with the Gods.

In these natural pools, caves, whales never occur under normal circumstances, Natasha Art thus creates dream places that offer space to explore different levels of human being and transition to other worlds, dimensions and leave the viewer room for their own interpretation and imagination. The feeling of freedom and liberation is captured in the movement of hanging vines, falling water from waterfalls and wandering whales, where the author draws inspiration from meditation, which she creates in her sound healing classes and art therapies. Most recently, the author also offers the viewer the opportunity to feel the painting online through a guided meditation.


An interview with Natasha Art for Neighbourhood Media magazine

Palace of Time

Original acrylic painting on canvas

1.8 m x 1.8 m

Available 10000 AUD 

The idea behind this body of work is freedom and release that all humans need to live a harmonious life. These are captured in the movement of hanging vines serving as a powerful reminder to find the inner feeling of liberation in our daily lives.

What are you looking for? You found it."

"Palace of Time" is an allegory for life. Though the length of our existence on Earth is unpredictable, the happy moments we spend with ourselves are. These days, our bodies and thoughts are our homes.

"Palace of Time" is the location of the feeling: "You did it, you got it, and you found it." Looking at this artwork makes you feel as you're not in a rush as time seems to have stopped. You are able to breathe freely and slowly, no one is passing any judgement and you don't need to prove anything or seek for permission to be happy; this is your time to unwind and live life to the fullest.

This is your place of calm, your tranquil haven sanctuary where you can experience your daily serenity. Gazing at this artwork will raise your vibration, bring you back to the curiosity of life and uplift your mind body and spirit. 

What do you want to find? Was is within you? 

For more information please contact@natashaa.com or +61 422 869 406

Pre viac informácii prosím kontaktujte contact@natashaa.com alebo Whatsapp +61 422 869 406

Spirit Reunion

Original acrylic painting on canvas 

1 m x 1 m

Available 3500 AUD

Humback and shark whale spirit reunion in Cenote. Dreamy whales travelling through the different dimensions, exploring their inner worlds. How does the world they are entering look like? What adventure is awaiting for them? What life is waiting for you? The painting captures the feeling of liberation & release in a movement of falling whales, hanging plants and flowing whales.  

Listen Art & Sound Healing Guided Meditation by Natasha Art created especially for this painting YOUTUBE

For more information please contact@natashaa.com or +61 422 869 406

Pre viac informácii prosím kontaktujte contact@natashaa.com alebo Whatsapp +61 422 869 406


Natasha Art prefers to ship an artwork rolled in a tube, if shipping worldwide. Within Australia the painting can be stretched on canvas and shipped this way too.

If you live in Sydney, Australia, the painting can be rolled or stretched on canvas, depend on your preference. There is an option a delivery by courier or you can collect your artwork personally in Brookvale 2100. 

Some of Natasha Art paintings are also in Europe. If you live in Slovakia, the painting can be picked up in Malacky or shipped stretched on canvas. 

Shipping within Europe is preferably in the tube but there is also a possibility to send a painting by courier. All the expenses with delivery are paid by the buyer.



Natasha Art reaguje vo svojej tvorbe najmä na témy spojené s vedomím, podvedomím, vecami poznanými a nepoznanými a predovšetkým na náhľad na život z rôznych pohľadov "bird´s-eye view". Posledné roky sa zaoberala vo svojej tvorbe najmä témou vody, oceánu a prírodných bazénov na austrálskom pobreží, kde v súčastnosti žije.

Myšlienka týchto pohľadov z výšky, voda a vodopády pretrvávajú naďalej aj v kolekcii Cenote, ktorá je inšpirovaná jej cestovaním po exotických miestach Mexika. Tentoraz Natasha Art vytvára akýsi magický svet, kde krásu a záhadnosť týchto miest zobrazuje v snových abstraktoch a realistických formách.

Natasha Art zachytáva v kolekcii Cenote magicko mystický pocit stratenosti v inom čase a takmer vkročenia do praveku s obrovskými tropickými stromami a stenami ako katedrály, ktoré vedú k lúčom slnečného svetla i k ľudskej nádeji. Na druhej strane hlboké jazerá a občasný výskyt veľrýb v obrazoch evokujú nadpozemskosť a tajomnosť týchto miest, portálov. V mayskej kultúre sa verilo, že Cenote boli portálmi na rozhovory s Bohmi.

V týchto prírodných bazénoch, jaskyniach sa veľryby nikdy za normálnych okolností nevyskytujú, Natasha Art tak vytvára miesta snenia, ktoré ponúkajú priestor na skúmajú rôznych úrovní ľudského bytia a prechádzania do iných svetov, dimenzií a nechávajú divákovi priestor na vlastnú interpretáciu a predstavivosť.

Pocit voľnosti a oslobodenia je zachytený v pohybe visiacich lian, padajúcej vody z vodopádov a putujúcich veľrýb, kde autorka čerpá inšpiráciu z meditácii, ktoré vytvára na jej hodinách sound healingu (zvukoterapie, liečenie hudbou) a art terapiách. Najnovšie autorka ponúka divákovi možnosť precítenia obrazu aj prostredníctvom online vedenej meditácie k danému dielu.


Rozhovory s Natasha Art:



Inner Blue Collection

More about Inner Blue collection

In 2017, Natalia moved to Australia, where she could pursue her love both of travel and of land, the endless inspiration of sand and stone, of colour and space, no moment identical to any other.

Her current work is inspired by the ocean, and by Australia's extraordinary coasts. Amongst the rocks, the sand and the vast oceans there is a hidden grace and elegance, superb in its uncompromising beauty. Reflected in her work you will find explorations of how the force of the ocean has shaped the land. From a technical standpoint, medium acrylics were used on canvas. 

Natalia has attempted to capture a bird's eye view of coastline pools, lands and waves. Her paintings voice the need to sometimes see things from above - including our own lives. For this collection, Natalia prefers using her hands over brushes, as she feels like she can connect in a more personal manner with the canvas. Every stroke is a new decision, one that no two artists would take in the same way, and Natalia's choices are informed as much by technical proficiency as by the expression of her heart and her artistic energy.

Natalia identifies with the fire element, and within this collection she delves into the water and the ground she seeks to make her at peace. Water has a profound meaning for Natalia, she feels it has a quenching and balancing effect on her fiery character and exploring it in her work in a certain way helps cleanse her spirit and find calm. We could say that an author who uses spiritual influence in conjunction with earth energies that works on multiple levels to assist us to grow on emotional and spiritual level too.

Online reservation

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Lake Mungo - Healing Journey

Medium: Acrylic on canvas

Size: 113 cm x 93 cm

World Heritage Mungo National Park, home of the famous Mungo Lady and Mungo Man was Natasha Art's inspiration to create an artwork "Lake Mungo - Healing Journey". Lake Mungo is a place rich in Aboriginal history, where the oldest human remains in Australia were found. Mungo Man and Mungo Lady are the oldest known cremation in the world, representing the early emergence of humanity's spiritual beliefs. This extraordinary place is a great significance to the Ngyiampaa, Mutthi Mutthi and Southern Paakantyi people.

Natasha Art has created this artwork after the experience, working with aboriginal artists in Dreamtime Fine Art Gallery in Manly. Natasha Art then went on an art road trip, travelling by the campervan 1000 km from Sydney to explore and see the magic of this sacred place that used to be a lake and nowadays is a desert. Natasha Art has captured the erosion that has sculpted sand and clay into fragile yet imposing formations.                                                                   

Uluru - Visitors of celestial land

Medium: Acrylic on canvas, made by hands

Size: 76 cm x 76 cm

Uluru is sacred to the Pitjantjatjara, the Aboriginal people of the area, known as the Aṉangu. The area around the formation is home to an abundance of springs, waterholes, rock caves, and ancient paintings. Uluru is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Rising from seemingly nowhere in the deep centre of Australia, Uluru is one of the world's great natural wonders.

Uluru has acquired its reputation because not only is it a unique landform, but also because of the effect the sun has on its colours and appearance. Sunrises and sunsets cause changes to its colour from browns through orange, reds to grey. Natasha Art has seen Uluru in different times and chose to capture the magical celestial sunset atmosphere that will always be imprinted in her memories.


Paintings rising up throught receiving different vibrations that I resonate with 





Inspired by my travelling around 

Denmark and Czech Republic.

Painting by Natasha ART are this time instead of canvas, which has been for her main medium, produced on traditional Japanesse paper. This paper is made ​​by hand and it is preparation requires concentration and accuracy. 

The connection of colorful ideas on paper and link the author with another element as a wood. The exhibition portrays man's relationship to the tree as a symbol of nature, the power and fundamental substance.

Natasha would like to also establish the relationship of man to man as a symbol that people should not forget how the strongest personifies their existence and that is their humanity. 

Gold on Wooden plates


Artwork as a dream place. Reminding that moment of morning awakening. and that of our own awakening. 2015




Acrylic on canvas 

Acrylic on canvas

Acrylic and metal 

On  tradition handmade Washi

Gold Framed




 Acrylic on canvas 


Latest artwork

Eternity Odessa

Even you are an eternal sheen. One day you are here and second, who knows. Think mindfully, create the best life, stay curious, try, try to find yourself, be yourself. For you and for all us.