
2022-2020 Advanced Diploma in Social media and marketing, APC College Sydney Australia
2020-2017 Advanced Diploma in Leadership and Management, APC College Sydney Australia

2015 Master degree, Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Arts, Marketing communication 

2014 - 2015 Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Social Sciences, Faculty of Education - Drawing, painting, graphic, underguidance of artist doc. Martin Velíšek, Ph.D.

2013 - 2014 Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Bratislava underguidance of artist Mgr. art. R. Sedlačík, ArtD.


2018 Emotional body release workshop, Briony Pilkinton, Sydney

2017 Art Resin Workshop, Candu, Sydney

2016 Encaustic and Paverpol course, underguidance of artist Ema Mazik, Slovakia

2016 Ebru course, Turkish technique of marbling, lector Šárka Rooya, Prague

2016 Ceramics course, Creative centre for adults, Prague

2016 Art therapy, Association of Integral Education, underguidance of Ing. Iveta Slobodníkova, Slovakia

2013 Drawing and painting course, Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Bratislava,

underguidance of artist Mgr. art. E. Vargová

2011 Portrait course, School creative workshops, underguidance of Mgr. art. Zuzana Pozdechová- Marthová

2011 Interior design course, acknowledgement by Ministry of Education, Slovak Real Estate Academy 







2024 Slovenský dom in Prague, Czech Republic
2024 Zoya Gallery, Elesko, Modra, Slovakia
2024 Natasha Art Gallery, Brazil 
2023 Natasha Art Studio & Gallery Brookvale, Sydney 
2020 Mosman Art Gallery, Mosman, Sydney

2020 Diversarty, Cromer, Sydney

2019 With Love from Manly, Manly beach, Sydney

2018 Loft, Bondi Junction, Sydney

2018 Bogey Hole Bronte, Sydney

2017 Kick Arts Contemporary Gallery, Cairns, Queensland, Australia

2017 La Summer House, Cairns, Queensland, Australia

2016 Kamzík, Bratislava, Slovakia

2016 VUJE Company, Trnava, Slovakia                 2016 Fine restaurant and apartements, Malacky, Slovakia

2016 State opera, Banská Bystrica, Slovakia 

2016 Európa shopping center, Banská Bystrica, Slovakia

2016 ,,Large- size paintings" - Mlyny center, Nitra, Slovakia

2016 Hotel Devín, BA, Slovakia
2016 Neovízia, BA, Slovakia

2016 ART Kafe Scherz, BA, Slovakia                                   
2016 Hotel Bratislava, BA, Slovakia

2016 Central passage, BA, Slovakia                                                                              2016 Company ART ,,Wood you human" , Bratislava, Slovakia                       
2016 VeniceArtHouse, Palace Ca´Zanardi, Venice, Italy                                             
2016 Carlton Gallery of Art, Bratislava, Slovakia    2014, ,,po_Prebudený_í" - Apollo Business Centrum, Bratislava, Slovakia                2014, Gallery Chodov, Praha, Czech Republic               2013,  Company Palmer Capital RE Slovakia a EL TORO, Žilina, Slovakia                 
2013, Residence of BauMax, Bratislava, SK           2013 , ,,Visio. N .atasha" - Konzerva, Bratislava, SK                                                 
2012, april ,,Nevypovedané" - Pallfy castle, first exhibition of paintings in castle, Malacky, SK                                                                                     2012,  Eurovea Bratislava, on the occasion for new lifestyle magazine relase WomanMan and fashion show J. Jurčenko and M. Holubca                           

2011,  Liberary MCK, Malacky, SK                        

2011,  ,,Nádych Štetcom" - Gallery MCK, Malacky, SK


2016  Rosum, Bratislava                                         2016  Project - Samorosti, Prague

2016  Fubaby - Festival of art and design, Banská Bystrica

2013  Itinerant exhibition - competition ,,Mission", Centrum of culture Synagogue Trenčín, Gallery Focesa - Šala, Galanta                              

2014  Spektrum competition regard - Centre of culture, Bratislava

Curating an exhibition                
2016  Mária Lišková and Ľubica Mazik - ,, Spoveď ženskej duše", City Hall, Trnava  
2015  Ema Ľubica Mazik, Tea house, Šala             2014  Exhibition association of artists - TerraWag, Centre of cultre, Šamorín